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Location & Hours
Raleigh Charter High School
1307 Glenwood Avenue
Raleigh, NC 27605
Phone: 919-715-1155
Fax: 919-715-1176
Instruction Hours: 9:00 AM - 2:40 PM
Front Office Hours: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
School-related Issues: office@raleighcharterhs.org
Admissions questions: admissions@raleighcharterhs.org
Raleigh Charter High School is located at the corner of Wade Avenue and Glenwood, and is next door to the Jordan Enrichment Center and the Methodist Home for Children.
To get there, turn onto Washington street from Glenwood Avenue, St. Mary's Street, or Wirewood Drive. An access road links the Raleigh Charter parking lot to Washington Street. Visitors are asked to park along Washington Street next to Fred Fletcher Park, or in spots designated for visitors in the main lot.
In case of an absence, parents will need to inform the office. There are two possibilities for how this can occur:
Parents can email with details of the absence including the date and reason that the student will miss class.
Parents can first call the office and then follow up with either an email or a written note that includes the details of the absence including the date and reason that the student will miss class.
Emails should be directed to absences@raleighcharterhs.org (from an email account we have on file for the parent) before 10 a.m. on the morning of the absence. This phone call or email is designed to ensure the safety of our students in case of a problem or accident. We would appreciate emails and calls as early as possible so as not to unnecessarily burden our office staff. Parents may leave messages on the school’s voicemail (919-715-1155). In addition, when the student returns to school, he or she must go to the main office upon arrival on campus to turn in a written note (or let the office know about the prior email) from a parent or guardian explaining the absence and receive an admission slip for class. The parental written confirmation (email or on paper) of the absence will be kept on file for state auditing purposes. If a student returns to school from an absence WITHOUT a parental note (on paper or by email), the student must still go to the main office upon arrival on campus to get an admission slip. The student will also receive an after-school detention. If the student brings the note from a parent the following day, the detention will be forgiven. Detentions related to absences are usually held in the afternoon from 2:45 to 3:15 p.m. If a student brings a note listing a reason other than one of the ten lawful reasons for absence, a detention will not be assigned. Parents will be notified as absences accumulate.