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Enrichment Days

Community Work Days

Citizenship is an important component of Raleigh Charter High School's instructional philosophy. Our goal is to teach and model the building blocks of citizenship within the school schedule and curriculum. One way of working toward this goal is our Community Work Day Program. The design includes teacher and student choice, multi-age grouping of students, one year commitments and experience, and education in up to four service areas during a student's high school years.


Each RCHS teacher chooses an area of service to support. Some programs involved direct engagement with area nonprofit organizations, while others involve the creation of "awareness campaigns" for various causes. In the fall, each student looks at all of the service choices offered by teachers and selects his/her top 5 areas of interest. Students are assigned based on their choice and grade level. These multiage groups work together for the entire academic year learning and serving.


The structure includes three 1-hour gatherings for education and planning and two 4-hour days of service work. Examples of organizations with whom teachers and students work are: the NC Food Bank, Interact, Catholic Relief Services, The Green Chair, Coon Rock Farm, Interfaith Food Shuttle, Ronald McDonald House, Project Linus, and many more. Many activities are also focused on conservation/ecology work at local parks, conservancy sites and forests. Students volunteer their time and energy in many ways, usually astonishing the staff of service agencies with what 15 teenagers accomplish in 3-4 hours. Close relationships have been established with nearby schools, Raleigh Parks and Recreation, several agencies that serve local residents in need, agencies that work with disabled or sick children, and agencies that work for animal welfare.


The faculty and students are assisted with logistics and transportation by the Community Liaison. Parent volunteers are used to transport and work with the students and teachers on their service days.


To see when Flex Days, Ex Days, and Community Work Days are this year, please see the school calendar. 


Flex Days

Flex Days occur once each semester over two successive Fridays during which regular classes are cancelled.


Students instead meet for half day sessions in small groups to pursue projects in a subject area. Groups often travel off campus.

Ex Days

Ex Days extend the usual 45-minute class period to 90 minutes, so that students meet in periods 1, 3 and 5 on Thursday and then periods 2, 4 and 6 on Friday, allowing the teachers to do in-depth labs, rehearsals, seminars, practices sessions or group work. ​​​​​​​

1307 Glenwood Avenue

Raleigh, NC 27605

Phone: 919-715-1155

Fax: 919-715-1176

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