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La campaña de la fundación
Invertir en nuestros maestros, asegurar nuestro futuro
2025 is Our Year!
We have the opportunity to pay off the loan on our school building this year, which will allow us to raise teacher salaries and secure the financial future of the school for years to come. This has been a collective dream that began more than 25 years ago when Raleigh Charter opened its doors, and it can become a reality now – but only with your help!
Foundation Campaign Update: January 2025
Our founders envisioned a school where experienced, talented, caring teachers would provide excellent education and a supportive learning environment to a student body of citizen-learners. Their original vision relied on high-quality educators, and included compensating faculty at a level that adequately reflects their years of experience and dedication to our students and our school. Our teachers are at the heart of everything we do. Their hard work and steadfast commitment to our students and our school are the foundation of all we have accomplished and all we endeavor to accomplish in the future. Unfortunately, many of our experienced faculty members are being compensated at a level that is lower than what they could make teaching in a traditional local public school.
This is our year to come together as a community to improve this reality for our teachers. The loan on our building is due at the end of 2025. Rather than renegotiate our loan at what will certainly be a significantly higher interest rate than our current terms, we are dedicated to paying it off. A few years ago, we set out to raise $1.5 million to eliminate our mortgage expense, and our community has already generously contributed $550,000 toward this effort. We have $950,000 left to raise! With the end of our loan term in sight, please donate now.
If you would like to discuss opportunities to partner with RCHS in this effort, please contact us. We are excited about this opportunity!
Paul McSorley, Chair, RCHS Board of Directors
Jameson Marks '03, Chair, RCHS Foundation Board of Directors
Lisa Huddleston, Principal
Margaret Barnett '08, Director of Development & Communications

El 4 de abril de 2017, muchos miembros de nuestra comunidad se unieron para ayudarnos a lanzar nuestra nueva iniciativa, el Fondo de la Fundación. Durante esta reunión, revisamos nuestra historia y la creciente necesidad de un vehÃculo de recaudación de fondos adicional más allá del Fondo Phoenix para ayudarnos a enfrentar algunos de los desafÃos difÃciles que enfrenta nuestra escuela y enfrentará en los próximos años.
A través del Fondo Phoenix anual, nuestra comunidad escolar apoya nuestro presupuesto operativo regular para mantener un lugar para que los maestros enseñen y los estudiantes aprendan. Alcanzar nuestra meta del Fondo Phoenix nos permite cumplir con nuestras necesidades presupuestarias crÃticas anuales y planificar con confianza para el próximo año. El Phoenix Fund seguirá siendo un elemento esencial de nuestro presupuesto operativo cada año, y apreciamos mucho el apoyo que nuestras familias siguen brindando a este esfuerzo. Los dólares del Fondo Phoenix mantienen las clases pequeñas y bien provistas.
Sin embargo, existen desafÃos adicionales en nuestro horizonte, siendo el más importante la discrepancia sustancial en la escala salarial que actualmente ofrecemos a nuestros maestros y la que se ofrece en el distrito escolar local. Después de mucho pensar y estudiar, la Junta de RCHS y la Junta de la Fundación de RCHS han decidido abordar este problema al hacer que la mejora de la compensación para nuestra facultad sea una prioridad. Creemos que esto nos permitirá seguir atrayendo a maestros y miembros del personal de la más alta calidad, y nuestras juntas creen que compensar a los maestros por su dedicación y compromiso con nuestros estudiantes y la escuela es absolutamente lo correcto. Además, nos damos cuenta de que nuestro edificio necesitará algunas mejoras y mantenimiento requeridos en los próximos años, y nuestras juntas quieren estar adecuadamente preparadas para satisfacer esas necesidades a medida que surjan.
Apoyar el Fondo de la Fundación es una forma adicional para que nuestras familias apasionadas, actuales y anteriores, y nuestros ex alumnos, ayuden a alcanzar nuestro objetivo a largo plazo de compensar de manera competitiva a nuestra facultad dedicada y asegurar nuestro edificio.
En marzo de 2022, anunciamos el lanzamiento de una iniciativa de recaudación de fondos para alcanzar el objetivo del Fondo de la Fundación. La Campaña de la Fundación tiene un objetivo principal: recaudar los fondos que necesitamos para pagar nuestra hipoteca, permitiéndonos aumentar de manera sostenible los salarios de nuestros dedicados maestros y personal. Este esfuerzo es posible porque un donante anónimo otorgó un regalo verdaderamente transformador a Raleigh Charter. Te invitamos a conocer la Campaña de la Fundación en la página de nuestro BoletÃn anual de Phoenix 2021.
A través de los años, nuestra comunidad escolar ha enfrentado una serie de desafÃos. Descubrimos que cada vez que nos comunicamos abierta y honestamente sobre los problemas que enfrentamos, nuestra comunidad se unió y respondió. Damos la bienvenida a sus consultas, pensamientos, sugerencias.
Por favor use unFormulario de compromiso del Fondo de la Fundación para hacer una donación o una promesa de varios años en apoyo de la Campaña de la Fundación. Para hacer una donación de acciones, haga clic en aquÃ.
Para obtener información adicional, comunÃquese con desarrollo@raleighcharterhs.org

Donate online anytime here.
Complete a Foundation Fund pledge form and mail it in with your check payable to RCHS FOUNDATION.
Contribute a gift of stock or recommend a grant through your donor advised fund.
If you would like to discuss opportunities to partner with RCHS in this effort, please contact Margaret Barnett, Director of Development, at mbarnett@raleighcharterhs.org.
A History of Heartfelt Support
1999: A group of visionary parents and educators founded Raleigh Charter High School, and we opened our doors at Pilot Mill on Haynes Street.
2009: After a decade of rising rental costs, our school leadership determined that it was time to find a permanent home for our school. The RCHS Foundation was established to help with the process of purchasing a building and securing the long-term financial stability of the school. Through a major capital campaign,our community raised over two million towards the purchase of the building. This included an incredible one million dollar anonymous gift.
2011: RCHS moved to its permanent location at 1307 Glenwood Avenue. This move was made possible by our community’s generous financial support as well as hundreds of hours of volunteer work.
2017: We introduced the Foundation Fund to serve as a fundraising vehicle for our goals and aspirations beyond the Phoenix Fund. Gifts to the Foundation Fund support two primary goals: steadily and sustainably increasing teacher salaries and maintaining our school building for the long term. Since its inception, current and past families have provided tremendous support to the Foundation Fund in recognition of our teachers and in appreciation of the education we provide.
Spring 2020: During the extreme anxiety and uncertainty of the pandemic, we received a gift that has truly accelerated our progress towards these goals. This anonymous $2 million gift brought us up to a new level where our goals are within reach.
2021: Reinvigorated by this amazing gift, we launched a special initiative for the Foundation: The Foundation Campaign is focused on raising $1.5 million – the amount needed to pay off the building and free up funds for our teachers.
As of January 2025, in addition to steady support of the annual Phoenix Fund, our community has already raised $550,000 for the Foundation Campaign. We need your help to raise the remaining $950,000 to finish the campaign, pay off our loan, and achieve our forever dream of increasing teacher compensation.
Información sobre donaciones benéficas​
Raleigh Charter High School y Raleigh Charter High School Foundation son dos organizaciones benéficas 501(c)(3) separadas. Su regalo es deducible de impuestos en toda la extensión de la ley.
Para donaciones al Phoenix Fund, dirija su donación a Raleigh Charter High School (Identificación fiscal federal: 56-2121381)
Para donaciones al Fondo de la Fundación, dirija su donación a la Fundación de la Escuela Secundaria Charter de Raleigh (Identificación fiscal federal: 26-4266980).
Si tiene preguntas, comunÃquese con la Oficina de desarrollo en desarrollo@raleighcharterhs.org.