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It is our mission to creatively use the funding we receive as a charter school to maximize educational opportunities. Carpools and the GoTriangle Bus system are the two main modes of transportation used by RCHS students.
How to Arrange a Carpool
Each summer the Phoenix Parents Carpool Coordinator creates a database from information parents submit through the Carpool Interest Form. Families who have opted in to the database use that information during the summer months to communicate with each other and form carpools. The database is no longer accepting new entries; however, if you still need to make carpool arrangements for your student, you may request database information from the coordinator. The database will become active again in June.
Questions? Contact carpool@raleighcharterhs.org to reach the Phoenix Parents Carpool Coordinator.
Please include your student's name.
GoTriangle Bus System
Though GoTriangle is returning to fare collection effective July 1, 2024, youth (ages 13-18) can still ride free after they enroll in the GoPass program. To learn more about the GoPass program, please visit gotriangle.org.
Carpool Traffic
Raleigh Charter High School has worked with the city of Raleigh to develop a traffic plan designed to help ensure the safety of RCHS students and residents of the surrounding community.
Use of the Glenwood Ave and Wade Ave entrances is prohibited from 8:00 to 9:15 a.m. and 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. It is essential that all members of our school community comply with the carpool routes. Thank you for your cooperation.
Students may be dropped off between 8:10 and 9:00 am.
Note: Encourage students to have belongings packed and ready for speedy removal when exiting a vehicle.
Parents and students must use the Washington Street entrance. Once on campus, drive counter-clockwise around the south side of the school (the right side facing Glenwood) and let students off at the front office (on the north side).
School is dismissed at 2:40. All students must leave campus by 4:00 pm unless they are in a faculty-supervised after school activity.
Parents must use the Washington Street entrance. Once on campus, drive counter-clockwise around the south side of the school (the right side facing Glenwood) and pick students up in front of the covered walkway by the front office (on the north side). Cars must exit onto Washington St.

Student Parking Permits
Parking spaces for juniors and seniors are available for purchase on an annual basis. Each spring, students can submit a Parking Permit Form to the Parking Permit Lottery for the chance to purchase a parking space on the first day of school in August. Students who enter the Parking Permit Lottery in the Spring will receive priority in selecting and purchasing their space.
There are a limited number of parking spaces available for students in the RCHS parking lot. Parking permits are made available for purchase through a lottery system. The lottery will only be drawn if the number of form submissions exceeds the number of available spots. In recent years, all students who have entered the lottery were able to purchase permits. Permits cost $200 and can be purchased on the first day of school. Seniors, then juniors, will be given first priority in the lottery.
School Event Parking
Visitors may park in ANY open parking space around the school building on our site. If those spaces are full, street parking is available on Washington Street. Please be courteous to our neighbors and do not park in the nearby apartment building parking lots, The Methodist Home for Children or the lot of the Jordan Child and Family Center. During the event, traffic will flow counterclockwise and in one direction around our building.